You used garlic and onion for condiments or monk fruit. Try carnivore without it. Impossible to have more gas eating less fiber, less fructans. Carnivore is the ultimate low FODMAP diet.
I think the most compelling evidence of carnivore’s long term inadequacy is the fact that almost none of the carnivores that populariZed the diet ca. 2019 are still carnivores
Saladino eats fruit, as does Tristan haggard. Liver king eats potatoes and avocados. I have it on good authority that Shawn baker eats ice cream. Carnivore aurelia promotes coconut water
While I think these new dietary innovations are good and I’m happy they admit to these changes, the point still stands that pure carnivory is exceedingly rare, and mostly followed by the sadly underinformed followers of these and similar accounts that don’t know better
You used garlic and onion for condiments or monk fruit. Try carnivore without it. Impossible to have more gas eating less fiber, less fructans. Carnivore is the ultimate low FODMAP diet.
i didn't use any condiments. protein fermentation is real.
Is it really protein fermentation? Or putrefaction?
Partly has to do w weak stomach acid,
Made worse by increased stress from lack of carbs
The gas was terrible
I just looked at inositol today. It acts as insulin signal. It’s high in whole grains, prunes, citrus, cantaloupe. Beans, and liver.
Fermentation is not bad. FODMAPs are bad. Artichoke, Brussel sprouts, many others are poisonous for me. Try carnivore again, please.
I think the most compelling evidence of carnivore’s long term inadequacy is the fact that almost none of the carnivores that populariZed the diet ca. 2019 are still carnivores
Saladino eats fruit, as does Tristan haggard. Liver king eats potatoes and avocados. I have it on good authority that Shawn baker eats ice cream. Carnivore aurelia promotes coconut water
While I think these new dietary innovations are good and I’m happy they admit to these changes, the point still stands that pure carnivory is exceedingly rare, and mostly followed by the sadly underinformed followers of these and similar accounts that don’t know better